Sunday, July 19, 2009

School Day at the Gardens

On May 28th a 4th grade class from Ortega Elementary School came to the garden and spent all morning learning about growing food! We taught them about composting with food scraps and worms, the use of nitrogen in plant growth, how to plant seeds and raise them into mature plants, and how to know when a crop is ready to be harvested.

The kids got to do do what they do best: ask loads of questions and get their hands dirty!

They were all very curious to see what their food looks like when it's in "plant" form in the ground, and we teachers had tons of fun exploring with them and answering all their wonderfully insightful questions. The curious young minds often times led us out into the garden to touch, feel, smell, and taste the plants in the garden. We were impressed to see how many plants they could identify and how much they knew about what plants need for growth.
At the end of the day we all ate a yummy salad made with fresh greens, peas, and other produce from the garden.

We were told that because of budget concerns the school was forced to cut the life science portion of the 4th grade curriculum, so we were happy to be able assist with some hands-on experiential learning. I think it was truly a fun and educational day for everyone involved. We look forward to having more schools visit the garden in the fall!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Never too late to talk about Earth Day!

As promised... an extraordinarily brief recap of our Earth Day activities:
Loads of people came out to the garden to spend the day partaking in and learning about various gardening activities. Master Composters Cas Lesiak and Joe Lees were here leading demos, and many folks were interested in learning how to compost in their own gardens. Vermicomposting (with worm bins) seemed to be of particular interest.
Our own masterful gardening queen, Loretta, led a group of youngsters in planting sun flowers, which was also a hit! More photos and tales of the gardens coming soon!